WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE 41 Map 25 Newtonmore The map on the opposite page shows the proposed core paths network for the Newtonmore area. The paths selected in this area are chosen because they best fit with the objectives of the Core Paths Plan, and have been identified during the public consultation process. Many of the paths selected have been put in place by the Newtonmore Community Woodland and Development Trust in partnership with local land owners and crofters. The paths are popular both with the community and with visitors, catering for a wide range of activities and abilities and helping land managers to manage access. Glen Banchor and the River Spey are particularly popular places of interest and are linked to the community by the Wildcat Trail (UBS2). This allows the public to enjoy many of the special qualities of the Park. The path around Loch Imrich provides for a range of abilities and different activities are catered for within this network. LBS80 caters for cyclists and UBS7 meets the needs of a range of different user types. Newtonmore is also linked to other communities in Upper Badenoch through Glen Banchor (UBS8) and via Loch Gynack (UBS34). Newtonmore Proposed Core Paths Path Ref No / Path Name/Description LBS1 The River Spey LBS80 Sustrans Route 7 UBS2 Wildcat Trail UBS3 Station to Wildcat Trail UBS4 Craggan of Clunie to Wildcat Trail UBS5 Wildcat Trail Link UBS6 Loch Imrich Circular UBS7 Golf Course Link UBS8 Glen Banchor UBS33 River Spey Access UBS34 Kingussie to Newtonmore via Loch Gynack CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Core Paths Plan Draft • April 2008 PAGE 41 Image: Map 25 Newtonmore (not available in full text format, please check pdf)